This issue focuses on the body as a mediator of cultural and social transformations. The articles explore diverse aspects of corporeality, ranging from its representations in media to questions of memory and identity. The issue addresses both the broad academic community and readers interested in contemporary transformations of corporeality in media, cinema, and digital culture.
About the Journal:
Corpus Mundi is an e-Journal founded in 2020. It specializes in publishing research articles, reviews, informational resources, as well as reports on academic expeditions and conferences. The Journal is exclusively available in digital format and does not have a print version.
Legal Information:
The e-Journal is registered with Roskomnadzor (Registration Certificate: ЭЛ № ФС77-77481 dated December 31, 2019)
ISSN Number: 2686-9055
Contact Information:
For collaboration and submission proposals, please contact us at the following email addresses: or
Contact phone: +7 (988) 068-63-72
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Journal Indexing:
Corpus Mundi is indexed in the following scientific databases:
Each article is assigned a unique digital DOI identifier from the Crossref agency.