Body Identity in the Individual Self-Consciousness System
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personal identity I-concept self-identification identity structure bodily identity bodily self-image body transformation narrative of identity mass communication discourse of identity

How to Cite

Dzialoshinskii, I. (2020). Body Identity in the Individual Self-Consciousness System. Corpus Mundi, 1(1), 36-58.


The article discusses the problem of transformation of personal identity under the influence of modern media. The relevance of this problem is due to the discrepancy between existing theories of identity, according to which identity is considered as a stable idea of self-identity, and the real practice of our contemporaries, the peculiarity of which is the desire for a demonstrative transformation of both appearance and identity.

The aim of the study is to determine the place of bodily identity in the system of personal identity and the trends of transformation of bodily self-image.

An analysis of the processes of transformation of bodily self-images among our contemporaries has allowed us to prove that the main driver of these processes is the media.

The study allows us to formulate the conclusion that bodily identity is a complex of signs that are filters of perception of reality, and markers that determine the attitude to phenomena of reality. In other terms: identity is a discourse that defines personal, group, and mega-group communication. In past centuries, the main actors who participated in the formation of the identity of a developing personality - in addition to personal experience - were a family, church, street, school, which offered homogeneous bodily images. Today, modern media demonstrate many conflicting options for bodily identity, forcing the individual constantly to adapt to new requirements.

This article is intended for researchers of modern media.
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