The aim of the article is to determine the functions of the nude and naked body image in the A. Pushkin legacy. The main tasks are to reveal regularities in the choice of motifs, images and perspectives, to correlate them with the author's world viewpoints and the evolution of his views, to connect them with philosophical and aesthetic dominants of his art. The works of art, as well as critical and travel notes, letters, sketches, drawings served as the basis for the study. The biographical and mundane context was involved. Orientation to the consistency and integrity of the analysis determines the novelty of the study. It is noted that the concept of “nudity” acquires the author conceptuality that correlates with form simplicity and naturalness. Pushkin tends to aestheticize the female body. It is proved that the intensity, selectivity, measure of spatial distance in its depiction are determined by a specific life stage, literary type, genre, attitude towards the subject of the image. The assumption is substantiated that the problem of visual perspective is not least related to fashion trends. “Serene” nudity in the works of Alexander Pushkin is usually a sign of foreignness, otherness; attractive is associated with the realm of the infernal, here the poet is influenced by folk mythology and the Gothic. In erotic descriptions the movements, the nervous and mental atmosphere are very important. The variety of the naked body interpretations can be compared with a palimpsest, especially since Pushkin's sketches clearly testify to his refining predilection.
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