The author analyzes the problems of changes in the representation of the body and the metamorphosis of corporeality in Georgian identity. Georgian identity is defined as a cultural and intellectual construct inspired and imagined by Georgian intellectuals as part of the processes of social and political modernizations. The main goal of the article is analysis of social mutations and cultural transformations of visualization and actualization of the Georgian national / ethnic body and corporeality in the discourse of nationalism. Methodologically, the author uses the provisions and ideas proposed in interdisciplinary studies of nationalism. The national body is defined and analyzed as one of the invented traditions of Georgian nationalism in the context of modernization and transformation of intellectual discourse from modern culture to mass culture of a consumer society. It is assumed that intellectuals used corporeality to actualize ethnic and cultural Georgian identity, emphasizing its uniqueness. The problems of the combination and coexistence of civil and ethnic nationalism in the visualization of corporeality are also analyzed. The author examines how the Georgian “body” became a political factor, a form of visualization of ethnicity and the principles of political nationalism, including the concepts of citizenship and loyalty, as well as the nation as an imagined political community of citizens with stable ethnic bases.
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